Your pregnancy can be a beautiful but chaotic time in your life. You’re going to need help. Dive into the list to know why hiring the services of a doula to help you with your Pregnancy in Morris County should be on top of your list.
Help and assistance
A doula doesn’t usually have training in delivering babies. But she often provides the emotional and physical support to families, offering encouragement and information throughout your pregnancy. Some doulas can also help you through and after the birth.
Natural childbirth
Research shows that women who have a trained doula by their side during the birth are less likely to ask for an epidural. Doulas reduce epidural use by as much as 60 percent. Their assistance has also helped contribute to fewer Caesarian births, the count dropping by as much as 50 percent, the Fit Pregnancy says.
Less anxiety
Anxiety slows or stops contractions. But having a doula talk you through the process, having someone with that experience and knowledge guide you through the birth, does a lot to put would-be mommies at ease. That helps make for a safer unmedicated birth. Natural birth is also much better than a Caesarian since they require shorter recovery times and they’re much more affordable.
Reduced depression
Mommies also experience less post-partum anxiety and depression when seasoned doulas are present. That’s another benefit to hiring a doula to help you with your Pregnancy in Morris County. With your hormones going haywire and the thought that you’re going to be responsible for a human being forever, you’re bound to be overwhelmed and stressed at times. Having someone who understands how you’re feeling and who can talk you out of your worries can help you cope with the changes in your life much, much better.