4 Tips A Person Should Know When Shopping At Estate Sales In Woodward, Oklahoma

by | Feb 23, 2018 | Law Services

Many people love shopping at estate sales. The items offered at these sales are often vintage, unique, and inexpensive. The purpose of an estate sale is so the family can liquidate the assets of a deceased loved one. Before a person shops the Estate Sales in Woodward Oklahoma, there are a few tips they should know.

Find the Best Sales

If a person wants to shop at an estate sale, they are going to need to know where the best ones are. A good reference is estatesales.net. When the individual logs onto the site, they would simply type in their zip code and all of the local estate sales will be listed. Estate sales are also listed in the yard sale section of the newspaper and on Craigslist. Many online advertisers include photos so that you can see what is being offered at the sale.

Bring Cash

Most estate sales don’t accept debit cards, credit cards, or checks. Also, the person running the sale won’t hold items so you go to the bank and get the money. If another buyer is interested in the same item, the buyer with the cash on hand will get it. It is best that the individual goes to the bank before going to the sale and gets the cash they will need.

Tote Bags or Large Purses

The people who run estate sales often don’t allow tote bags or large purses inside the sale area. This allows the person running the sale to more spend more time selling the items and less on monitoring for potential theft. It is best to leave tote bags and large purses at home. If an individual needs something to hold their money, a small purse or wallet are good options.

Things To Bring

If the individual is looking for furniture at the estate sale, they should bring a tape measure. This will allow them to measure the furniture before they buy it, ensuring it will fit perfectly in their home. It is also a good idea to bring a flashlight. If there are items in the basement or attic and the area is poorly lit, a flashlight will help the individual inspect the items closely before buying.

If a person is properly prepared for Estate Sales in Woodward Oklahoma, they should be able to find the items they are looking for. For more information, visit Website.com. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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