If you own a vehicle, you must maintain car insurance in Denver, CO. While this is a necessary expense for every driver, there are certain things you can do to bring your monthly premiums down. While you may know that maintaining good credit will help you pay less, there are a few more ways you can reduce your insurance costs.
Pay in Full
If you pay for your insurance by the month, take a closer look at your bill. Your insurance company likely charges you an additional service fee for your monthly payments. You can eliminate that fee altogether by paying for the full six months upfront. While this requires saving up for your policy renewal, you won’t have to save as much as would pay out for your monthly premiums.
Bundle Your Coverage
If you own several cars or if several household members own cars, you can bundle coverage for those vehicles with your insurance provider. Alternatively, you can bundle your auto insurance with your homeowner’s insurance and other types of coverage. Bundling your insurance can save you up to 25% on your total premiums.
Get a Car Alarm
You can also get a deductible on your car insurance in Denver, CO by installing anti-theft devices in your vehicle. Your insurance agent can tell you more about which types of devices are acceptable. Installing an approved alarm can earn you a discount of up to 25% on your premiums.
The Thompson Group can help you find the best auto insurance for your situation when you contact them.