3 Things to Know About Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton, Before You File

by | Dec 25, 2019 | Personal Injury

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you should look for a personal injury attorney in Bremerton. Our firm is always available if you want to contact Anthony Otto Attorney At Law, but before you do, here are a few things to know about personal injury lawsuits in general.

1. There are deadlines

The statue of limitations for a personal injury case can range from 1 – 6 years. A lot of different factors are involved, including the time of the accident and the time of the diagnosis for any condition that came from it. But you shouldn’t delay if you’re thinking about filing a lawsuit.

2. You might wind up in different courts

Small claims court is for legal proceedings that are under a certain dollar amount. If you’re suing a neighbor over a dog bite, for example, you might belong in small claims court. You’ll only go to the big-time courts if you’re filing a lawsuit for a large amount of money. Talk to a personal injury attorney in Bremerton if you aren’t sure where to go.

3. You should document everything.

Documentation is your best friend during a personal injury lawsuit. Whether it’s hospital records, accident reports or witness statements, you’ll want to gather it all to help you prove your case. Keep it a binder for better organization and ease of access.

These are just a few things to know about personal injury lawsuits before you file. For more information, contact Anthony Otto Attorney At Law.

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