3 Reasons You Should Never Skip Your Semi-Annual Dental Exam in Kelowna

by | Apr 19, 2024 | Dental Health

Visiting your Kelowna dentist every six months helps you keep your teeth clean and bright. In addition to the teeth cleaning service, your semi-annual visit will include a complete oral check-up. This part of the appointment is essential because it helps your dentist provide better oral care throughout the year.

Identify Cavities Earlier

One of the most important reasons to schedule a Kelowna dental exam every six months is to stay on top of tooth decay. The exam will help your dentist spot cavities before they grow or spread. This makes it possible to receive treatment before the decay spreads to the tooth’s nerve and requires more extensive treatment.

Protect Your Smile

As you age, your teeth will weaken, erode, or crack. This leaves you with serious issues that include overbites, tooth loss, and gum disease. When you schedule a semi-annual exam with a Kelowna dentist, you can catch these issues early. Your dentist can recommend procedures and healthy habits to strengthen and straighten your teeth. Your dentist can also help you treat gum disease to ensure you can keep your natural teeth longer.

Identify Physical Health Issues

The condition of your oral health will affect your overall physical health. For example, tooth decay makes it easier for harmful bacteria to enter your bloodstream. Additionally, you might have developed oral or throat cancer without realizing it. A 6-month Kelowna dental exam can identify health issues sooner, so you can receive treatment when it will be more effective.

Discover the full range of oral care services offered by Glenmore Dental when you visit them.

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