A roof is one of the most important parts of your home. However, you might find it difficult to know when your roof needs replacing. Here are three signs it’s time to consider having a professional replace your roof.
You Notice Shingles in Your Yard
An exciting part of owning a home is being able to walk through your yard. Unfortunately, this excitement can change when you see roof shingles on the ground. Seeing shingles in your yard means something has damaged your roof. If left untreated, this might lead to an emergency roof replacement in the future.
Your Neighbors Are Replacing Their Roofs
Neighborhoods often feature homes built around the same time. This often means that homes in the same neighborhood wear down at a similar pace. If you see companies that take care of roofing in Omaha NE in your neighborhood, it’s likely time to have your roof replaced.
Water Stains Appear on Your Ceiling
If you notice strange stains on your ceiling, it could be due to water damage. When your roof isn’t able to repel water, it often ends up sinking below your roof. The best way to see the extent of water damage is by getting on your roof. However, it’s wiser to avoid doing this by yourself. To have a professional inspect your roof, reach out to Thompson & Thompson 3rd Generation Roofing.
If you need professional help with roofing in Omaha, NE, contact Thompson & Thompson 3rd Generation Roofing. You can view this company’s previous work, list of services, and much more by visiting www.thompsonthird.com.