3 Factors To Consider When Choosing Bench Scales

by | Apr 20, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

Bench scales are used in a wide range of different industries and applications. You will find them in laboratories, commercial kitchens, food and beverage processing facilities and in any manufacturing industry.

Choosing the right scale has become more complicated. This is because, bench scales, as well as other types of weighing systems, have become more sophisticated. The level of sophistication as well the features and functions on the scale will all be reflected in the cost. For many applications, a basic scale is more cost effective and offers all the weighing capacity you need as compared to the most advanced model available.

Before choosing a specific type of countertop scale, take the time to think about the following parameters and requirements. If you are in a growing business, consider your needs in the future as well, don’t limit your choices to just what is needed immediately.

Weight Range

Most people focus on the maximum weight range for scales, but in some applications, there may be more emphasis on the low end of the weight range. The narrower the weight range of the scale the higher the degree of accuracy and precision weighing for that range.

Networking and Communications

The production lines and operations of today’s facilities include the ability to transmit data from the equipment into management software systems. If you are manually using the scale or if the production line is automated, having the ability to network with the existing software in place will be important.

Physical Space and Special Considerations

In most uses, the physical space bench scales will require will also be a factor to consider. There are compact scales that have high load capacities, so size is not necessarily a factor of weighing ranges.

Scales may also need to meet washdown requirements and protocols. Scales will also have to be approved for hazardous areas and must meet all industry specific requirements for use in these types of applications.

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