What to Look for in a Good Storage Facility

by | Jul 17, 2013 | Storage

Hurricane season in Florida can last anything from one month to two months, when tropical storms have been known to devastate parts of the state. The United States has experienced some extremely harsh weather conditions, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous in the first few months of 2013. Hurricane Sandy was the first devastating blow to hit the east coast in January, while Oklahoma suffered two severe tornados just days apart. Snow storms battered the north east until the middle of May and the north west has experienced an unusually warm spring, with temperatures into the eighties. This spate of unusually harsh conditions has led to an increase in people protecting their treasured items by putting them into storage until the bad weather passes.

Self storage facilities in Fort Myers FL has seen a recent upsurge in use owing to people thinking it is safer to keep their sentimental items protected inside heavy metallic chambers, with pest control and secure storage facilities, than it is to keep them in a home garage that may not weather the storm. Not everyone loses their home entirely during a hurricane but there is always a tremendous amount of flooding. Water damage is one of the worst situations to face, especially in a home with a timber construction. Wood rots and water destroys our treasured possessions, but if they are in a facility that has maximum protection, they can remain safe until the season is over and the weather returns to the normalcy that Floridians know.

What should I know about a Storage unit Before I rent?

The first thing you should ask about is the size of the units available. The general size for man units is four feet by ten feet, ten feet by ten feet and ten feet by twenty feet. It also good to know that there is a pest control system in place, so that rats and mice can’t chew into your boxes and belongings. Although storage units are not totally waterproof, they can be capable of resisting some deep levels of water on a better basis than many homes. If you are looking for a storage facility you might like to ask them about the elevation of the land that they facility is built upon. Being on higher ground and having no basement is safer than being on lower ground where water is more likely to flood. Visit Website Domain for cost effective self storage options to keep your belongings safely with 24 hours a day access to your things.

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